
Public Artwork for the Future Pomona Gold Line Station Stephen Farley, Artist

Hall of Gratitude

Sandi Lawhorn

Submitted by Stacey Quarnstrom-Lawhorn

Sandi showed me the power of unconditional love

Sandi was a great inspiration to me when shortly after we started dating I had a spine injury causing paraplegia. After my emergency surgery, with 70/30 chance of ever walking again, she never gave up hope, helped with physical therapy and encouraged me to find the strength within me to regain my abilities to walk.

This photo was taken two weeks after I learned to walk again and on that day I asked to leave my walker in the car so it would not be in the photo, requiring her to be my aid. Walking arm and arm to take this “No Hate” photo. She inspired me every day and never left my side as I journeyed through this scary life experience. Through it all she showed me the meaning of unconditional love.

The Power of Pomona, we met in Pomona, dated and lived in Pomona, bought our home in Pomona and had our marriage celebration in Pomona on 9/20/2014.

*In the Photo Stacey Quarnstrom-Lawhorn (arm flex) and Sandi Lawhorn (holding construction hardhat)

Photos & stories of people from Pomona who made a difference

Gabe showed me the power of courage