
Public Artwork for the Future Pomona Gold Line Station Stephen Farley, Artist

Hall of Gratitude

Mireya Escobar

Submitted by Maria Elena Gonzalez

Mireya showed me the power of educación

Mireya Escobar began her involvement as a parent in the Pomona Unified School District in 2015. In the next two years she was nominated for the first time to be an ELAC (English Language Advisory Council) representative. In 2018, she was also nominated to be the Chair of the DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee) Board of Directors. Mireya is extremely committed to the positions assigned to her at the school and district levels. She possesses high leadership in communicating and supporting parents of children who are English learners. Separately, she recommends that parents focus on literature for our children. Mireya Escobar immigrated to the United States from Mexico. She determines that this country is one of great opportunities for those who want to do it, “That everything is possible with dedication, perseverance and sacrifice.” She is the Founder of Parent Connection for Education. The club’s mission is to motivate parents to participate in the education and training of their children. Mireya taught me the power of Education.

Mireya Escobar comenzó su involucramiento como padre en el Pomona Unified School District en el 2015. En los próximos dos años la nominaron por primera vez a ser representante de ELAC (English Language Advisory Council). En el 2018, ella también fue nominada a ser la presidente de la mesa directiva de DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee). Mireya es extremadamente comprometida con los cargos que se le han asignado a nivel escolar y del distrito. Ella posee un alto liderazgo en comunicar y apoyar a los padres que tienen hijos que son aprendices de Ingles. Por aparte recomienda a los padres que tengamos enfoque en la literatura para nuestros hijos. Mireya Escobar emigró a los Estados Unidos de México. Ella determina que este país es de grandes oportunidades para el que lo desee hacer, “Que todo es posible con dedicación, perseverancia y sacrificio.” Ella es la fundadora de Conexión de Padres por la Educación. Su misión de este club es motivar a los padres a participar en la educación y formación de sus hijos. Mireya me enseño el poder de la Educación.

Photos & stories of people from Pomona who made a difference

Gabe showed me the power of courage