
Public Artwork for the Future Pomona Gold Line Station Stephen Farley, Artist

Hall of Gratitude

Mickey Gallivan

Submitted by Britney Gallivan

Mickey showed me the power of history

Mickey Gallivan has inspired the entire community to appreciate the history and culture of Pomona. Since moving to Pomona in 1972, she has been very active in the community to help save and preserve numerous historic sites and artifacts. She was president of the Historical Society of Pomona Valley for 19 years and on the board of directors for 28 years. Mickey successfully applied for historical landmark designation for Casa Primera, Adobe de Palomares, Phillips Mansion, Spadra Cemetery, Pomona Ebell Building, and Huegues Winery. Additionally, she placed the Pomona City Stables on the National Registry of Historic Places and spearheaded the effort to move and save the historic Currier Ranch Home from demolition.

Mickey wrote the Historical Preservation Ordinance for the city, then worked to obtain both local and national designation for the Lincoln Park Historic District. She worked for many years for the Historical Society of Pomona Valley to obtain ownership of the Pomona Ebell Building which she helped establish as the Pomona Ebell Museum of History. To further promote the rich history of Pomona, Mickey researched and authored the book, “Early Pomona” and a booklet on the history of Spadra.

Mickey works tirelessly to maintain and improve Pomona’s historical sites, expand historical knowledge through research and community education, including giving tours and lectures to citizens and visitors of Pomona. She has served as a member of the LA County Fair Community Committee for 14 years. She served on the City of Pomona Cultural Arts Commissioner for nine years and was chairwoman for one. Mickey accomplished all of this in addition to her public service career as a social worker. She has donated countless hours and immeasurable effort to helping to protect and preserve the history and culture of Pomona. Mickey’s efforts will continue to inspire the people of Pomona for many years to come.

Photos & stories of people from Pomona who made a difference

Gabe showed me the power of courage