Hall of Gratitude
Eric Vasquez
Submitted by Greg Wong
Eric showed me the power of caring
I met Eric when he was a youth pastor at our church. He introduced me to his organization, Just Us 4 Youth (JU4Y). JU4Y works with at risk youth in Pomona to provide mentoring to those who do not have guidance at home. He is trying to break the endless cycle of generations being raised by a single parent. Eric is able to connect with the youth to get them on the straight and narrow. And when the youth do slip and find themselves in trouble, Eric is who they often turn to first to help them out of their situation. Eric and JU4Y have impacted thousands of youth and continue to expand their services and reach. On the JU4Y Blog, Eric writes the “why” he continues to deal with the agonies often associated with his work as, “I love because He first loved me.”

Photos & stories of people from Pomona who made a difference