Hall of Gratitude
Joanna Jones
Submitted by Amber Rivas
Joanna showed me the power of philanthropy
Dr. Joanna Jones is one of the most giving people I know! She has inspired me by her generous heart in the way she supports numerous local charities in an effort to make the world a better place.
Joanna’s heart is definitely in Pomona as she served many years as a professor and head of Psychology Department at Mt. Sac Community College. There are many ways she continues to give back to her community. She volunteers her time mentoring young people, financially supports local businesses, and donates often to the city council and mayor. I would need much more room to name the many things she has done that have changed the lives of the people around her for good! Dr. Joanna Jones doesn’t just hear about the needs around her, she is one of the people that does something about it!
She would be so honored to be considered in being immortalized by the Metro Gold Line project! Thank you!

Photos & stories of people from Pomona who made a difference