
Public Artwork for the Future Pomona Gold Line Station Stephen Farley, Artist

Hall of Gratitude

Dr. Philip Pumerantz

Submitted by Jeff Keating

Phil showed me the power of turning a dream into reality

Dr. Philip Pumerantz was the founding president of Western University of Health Sciences in Downtown Pomona, transforming what was a dying outdoor shopping mall in 1977 — the year he opened the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific — into what is now the most comprehensive graduate health sciences university in the United States, with nearly 4,000 students in nine colleges and 21 programs. WesternU was founded on a philosophy of humanism and compassion, which remain the bedrock values of the university to this day and which Dr. P demonstrated every day through his leadership.

Photos & stories of people from Pomona who made a difference

Gabe showed me the power of courage