About the Artist

Stephen Farley, a Pomona Valley native, creates murals across the U.S.
A native of Pomona Valley who spent his first 18 years of life admiring the power of Pomona from his home in Ontario, Stephen Farley is an accomplished artist who moved east on I-10 and is now based in Tucson, Arizona.
He has an extensive resume of community-celebrating public art projects across the U.S. He invented a new process for translating photographs to ceramic tile called Tilography, which he has used for the two main downtown light rail stations in Phoenix, two four-story murals at the One University Government Center in Broward County, Florida, and 18 large vertical murals at the Gardner Community Center in San Jose, California, among many others.
Stephen graduated from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts with a B.A. in political science. He studied abroad his junior year at the American University in Cairo, Egypt.
Based on his preliminary design concept, Stephen was selected by the city of Pomona’s Station Design and Art Review (SDAR) Committee, later ratified by the city council, in 2005. Over the course of nearly two decades of work, he developed and refined his design in deep collaboration with the community to celebrate the everyday people who make Pomona powerful.
Although all images submitted for the Gold Line project are photographs, the final artwork is an artistic reinterpretation of the image submitted and represent a personal archetype. Only first names are used in the Power Statements so that people who did not submit nominees can nevertheless see their own friends and family members in these individuals.
You can read more about Stephen’s work here: