Honoring the People who gave you power
Artistic images & stories of people from Pomona who made a difference
See submissions in Hall of Gratitude here
The deadline for submitting entries has passed. Special thanks to everyone who contributed images, stories, and power statements for this project.
Who inspired you? For whom are you grateful? Who changed your life? Other cities have a hall of fame – the Pomona Station is a Hall of Gratitude. This is the station art plan by the city-selected artist for the Pomona Station, Stephen Farley.
This project is designed to connect Pomona to its past and its future, generating a renewable source of people power for positive transformation of the entire community by honoring 56 Pomonans who have been submitted by their neighbors as people who made a difference in their lives. An artistic reinterpretation of the picture will be displayed alongside a Power Statement expressing how they made that difference. Examples of those statements are: “Jonah showed me the power of courage,” and “Mireya showed me the power of educacíon.” 56 people and statement pairs will be included within the station area. The artwork will be fabricated on 2’x2’ arrays of 6” glazed ceramic tile, using the Tilography process.
While there is only space for 56 people to be exhibited at the station, all images and stories submitted over the last few years are included on a virtual Hall of Gratitude with more information about his station art program. To view submissions or to learn more, go to www.pomonapeoplepower.com.